Williams Memorial Baptist Church
2105 Carroll Ave., NW
Roanoke, VA 24017
(540) 343-8972 (During Services)
Rev. Dr. David A. Jones, DMin.
All church officers are chosen on the basis of the following criteria: (a) related knowledge, (b) spiritual willingness, (c) and fitness for the position they will hold. Officers must be members of the church in good standing after having served as active and contributing members of the church, an auxiliary, or committee for a period of two years or be licensed and recognized by the church and its Christian ministry. It is important that the officers of this church be faithful in attendance to Worship Services and Bible study.
Our Church Officers....
Rev. David Jones, Pastor Mrs. Deborah Allen-Swain
(540) 343-8972 - Study Church Clerk
(540) 597-2842 - Home (540) 309-4786
Deacon Willie Waker
Chairman, Deacon Ministry
(540) 362-5841
Mrs. Gevendin P. Lewis
Chairman, Trustee Ministry
(540) 362-8057
Deacon Lesley Johnson
Church Treasurer
(540) 353-5377
Mrs. JaCynthia March-Brewer
(540) 537-0912
Ms. Karen Kasey
(540) 562-4273